Mayor Nathan Frisch called the February 9, 2023 Village of Attica Council regular meeting to order
7:35 PM.
Roll Call: Ed Beamer, Louis Sanders, Kirk Stanfield
Others Present:
Approval of Warrants: Motion by Councilman Beamer, seconded by Councilman Sanders to approve the
warrants for payment. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Stanfield to approve the
minutes. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.
Written & Oral Communication: None.
Public Safety: None. Streets & Properties: None. Parks: None.
Trees: Councilman Beamer reported Bill Sowers Tree Removal was in town to remove the trees
discussed at the last meeting. He reported Sowers Tree Removal did an excellent job. Councilman
Beamer hopes to replace some of the trees removed in the future.
Fire: Councilman Sanders reported fire will meet next Wednesday.
EMS: None.
Cemetery: Councilman Sanders reported they will be meeting next week.
Personnel: Mayor Frisch stated he is receiving good reviews on Trevor’s work ethic. The operators
have been trimming trees, they have cleaned up the shop, and have also been going around town
cleaning out catch basins. The Mayor also plans to have them build the bleacher purchased earlier
in the year.
Zoning Commission: Council received a letter informing them Shaden Hiser is planning to open a
butcher shop in Venice Township.
Finance and rule: Cash balance: $1,512,556.17. All funds includes CDs and reserved or restricted
funds, and debt reserve funds. The Fiscal Officer presented the December 2022 bank reconciliation
for review, as well as the January 2023 bank reconciliation. FO Hatfield also was ready with 2023
permanent appropriations. She requested council pass them as an emergency because some of the final
appropriations were needed to pay some invoices.
RES 2023-3 Permanent Appropriations Councilman Sanders moved to suspend the three-read rule,
Councilman Beamer seconded. Vote: 2-1. Motion failed
Water & Sewer: Mayor Frisch reported that RA Bores will be starting the lead line replacement
project in 2-3 weeks. The contractor was in town today to do some preliminary review and
Councilman Stanfield suggested surveying further waterlines to make sure all lead lines are
identified. Mayor Frisch explained you can’t tell by looking in the curb box, you have to dig up
the lines to assess what they are made of.
The Mayor met with the EPA last Wednesday. They were thrilled to hear we are replacing the lead
lines. The Mayor did discuss with them the issues with staffing at the water plant. The EPA is also
supportive of Attica regionalizing concerning the water utility.
The Mayor also met with Willard City regarding providing water to the Village. They seem to be
onboard but some details need to be worked out. Councilman Stanfield asked if they would hook into
our tower. Councilman Beamer said they could either hook into the tower or tie in at Buckeye
Village, Mayor Frisch followed up with stating it all depends on Norfolk Southern. Councilman
Sanders asked if they would pay to install the waterline necessary. The Mayor stated 6 miles of
line is needed. Councilman Beamer explained the expense of running the line would be on the Village
either by way of a loan or through water rates, but we need to know the cost to install to make an
informed decision.
Councilman Stanfield asked if Gary has provided his annual report/metrics. They Mayor stated he
will make sure Councilman Stanfield gets to see the report when he has it.
Councilman Stanfield moved that Council find out the statutory authority for the debt retirement
rate column on the rate schedule, stating the debt retirement column on water rate schedule is

illegal/unconstitutional, there was no second. Councilman Beamer reported that he saw that
rate structure and thought that they had a similar charge in their rate schedule.
Village Website & IT: none
Unfinished, Old Business and New Business: New Business 1ˢᵗ Read ORD. 2023-2 Adopting and Enacting
American Legal Publishing’s Ohio Basic Code, 2023 Edition, as the code of Ordinances for the
Village of Attica, Ohio.
Next meeting: Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM.
Motion by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Beamer to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:15
PM. Vote: 3-0. Motion carried.